Review of The Envato Affiliate Program and Earnings

Envato Affiliate Program Review 2023

If you've used WordPress for any extended period of time, you've probably come across the Envato network. It's more of a network of branded sites, each of which targets a particular segment of the blogging and web development industry than it is a single site.

Envato has the potential to be a truly great resource for customers. It has practically everything you could possibly need to finish a project, regardless of what that project is.

For many different kinds of web features and functions, Code Canyon includes scripts, plugins, and code snippets. PHP, Javascript, HTML5, and mobile devices are just a few of the many distinct architectures that have code.
Theme Forest is a sizable collection of WordPress themes and designs, but they also offer themes for websites running on Drupal, Joomla, Magento, and even plain old stand-alone HTML pages.
As implied by the name, Audio Jungle is a database of audio files. This includes music for games, trailers, podcasts, and apps, among other things. Additionally, it contains sound effects for the same objectives.

For use in creating videos, Video Hive is a collection of stock footage, intros, effects, templates, and other video content.
You can see they were starting to run out of catchy titles for Photo Dune, but they still wanted to stick with their element-nature concept. You can purchase access to utilize the royalty-free photos on this stock photo website.
Flyers resume, logos, illustrations, icons, and pretty much any other type of graphic that isn't a stock photo may be found on Graphic River. It's true that the two sites may have been combined, but that's not my call.
For Flash and Unity applications, Active Den has a ton of components and templates, including video/music players, image galleries, animations, and games.

A source for 3D models, textures, meshes, plugins and everything else you would need to use for various 3D projects is 3D Ocean.
Envato Studio is a hub where they offer services for a lot of the same things you can buy on marketplace websites. Everything from logo design to graphic design to WordPress coding to app development is available.
Tuts+ defies convention and isn't solely an Envato marketplace website, but it is a part of the Envato network. It is jam-packed with instructions on how to use numerous programs and pieces of software to carry out various tasks, frequently using resources from Envato.
The two that are most well-known online are undoubtedly Code Canyon and Theme Forest. Of course, all of the others are utilized, but at least

Almost all of those websites participate in the same affiliate program, which is run by Envato. When you join, you have the option of sending friends to each site, and you get paid a commission for everything they purchase.

Since Envato has two affiliate programs, I say almost. One is designated for Envato Studio, the location of Tuts+ and its design services. The other option is the Envato Market, which is both more well-liked and less profitable. I'll discuss both of them.

How They Work

Affiliate campaigns are campaigns, period. With a few minor differences from one instance to the next, once you've seen one, you've seen them all. So, why don't we go right into the details?

All you have to do to participate in the Envato Marketplace affiliate program is register for an Envato account. It's just a typical Envato Marketplace account; it's not a unique publisher account. You are welcome to come over here at any time and do that. Please take note that this link is not an affiliate one.

You're ready to go as soon as you create an account. To create an affiliate link, simply append?ref=username to the end of any URL. It can go directly to the page of a particular theme, code, snippet, plugin, or whatever else you want to route a sale to. It can also go to one of the sub-site homepages.

Note that doubling up won't function if the URL already contains a question mark. Instead, you'll need to finish the URL with &ref=username.

There is only one drawback: You only receive referrals for the first item they purchase. 30% seems high until you consider how much it actually is.

Envato Affiliate Program Review 2023

Additional caveats:

*    Everything is built on cookies. This indicates that if a user visited Envato before to clicking your referral link, they may already have an unmarked cookie; your cookie will not overwrite that cookie.

*    Additionally, if the user disables or clears their cookies, your referral won't be recognized, and you won't be compensated.

*    Cookies from referrals last for three months. This implies that even if you refer someone today but they wait two months before making a purchase, you will still receive credit for the reference. Naturally, this only applies if they haven't cleared their cookies.

*    The referrer that set the cookie initially has priority if another referrer sends the same user to Envato through their own link. This implies that even if you receive a lot of traffic from other websites that direct visitors to Envato, you could not be receiving a large portion of their sales because you are merely assisting someone else in selling.

*    In your own or another person's Envato product listings, including reviews, you cannot include your own referral link. Even if you try it, the user's computer already has an Envato cookie that isn't tagged, therefore it won't function.

*    Envato-branded keywords cannot be purchased on ads, particularly AdWords. The same is true with spelling errors. Generally speaking, nothing that would interfere with their own marketing initiatives.

*    Theme previews cannot contain referral links because they are hosted on a different domain. This is significant since it necessitates directing customers to the product page so they may learn more about the theme before viewing it in use.

If anything sounds harsh, it both is and isn't. As far as affiliate networks go, things like keyword limits on ads are very standard. The three-month lifespan of the referral cookie is commendable, but Envato doesn't permit multiple sales like Amazon, thus referrals will never result in significant volume purchases. Some individuals find it to be a great bummer since the oldest referral, not the most recent, receives credit, plus the fact that Envato links are everywhere and that non-referral cookies invalidate referrals means that a significant amount of your clicks will be useless.

All of this translates into fairly meager earnings when working with Envato.

Envato Affiliate Program Review 2023

Now, what about the Envato Studio affiliate program? Is it significantly different in any way?

The Envato Studio affiliate program, for starters, has a more conventional registration process and unique URL that doesn't just have your username appended to it. Compared to the market's 30%, their offer is only 10%, but that 10% is applied to the significantly greater cost of design work rather than the price of a theme or plugin.

Naturally, you only get compensated for a job well done. You won't get paid if the customer backs out, refuses to pay, or cancels their order. Furthermore, you only get paid the final price; if the customer takes advantage of a discount, your 10% commission is deducted from the discounted price.

The referral cookie with Envato Studio only lasts for 30 days, which is still enough time but won't mess you up quite as much as someone visiting a link in January and killing a commission in March with Market. It is also a most recent override, which is a significant addition. In other words, you get the referral if person 1 recommends the customer to Studio but they don't buy and you then recommend them again and they do.

Envato Earnings

In essence, Envato Studio will be a referral program that pays far better than Envato Market but has a much lesser volume. To make money, though, they both rely on you receiving a sizable amount of visitors.

You might want to recommend folks to Envato Studio for logo design, for instance. According to what is currently on their website, a straightforward mid-range logo design can cost anywhere between $60 to $1,000. Since the cheaper designers are hired significantly more frequently, we'll choose $200 as the average. With a 10% commission, you might make roughly $20 for each logo design that is purchased. Not terrible at all! But how frequently do people actually require logo design? To diversify, you'll need to have additional products to market.

That said, Studio is a heck of a lot better with the conversion rates and the conversion prices than the Market options. Let’s go over to the Market and look. WordPress themes are big, right? Well, themes range from $6 to $60 on average. A 30% commission on a $6 theme is only a little under $2. Still not a bad rate, but you have a lot of issues. For one thing, if someone has six sites and wants to buy six themes, that’s great! You only get a commission on the first one they buy. If they buy a $6 theme first, and then a $60 theme, you only get the commission for the $6 theme.

Nevertheless, compared to the Market choices, Studio has much superior conversion rates and pricing. Let's check out the Market there. Aren't WordPress themes popular? The typical cost of themes is $6 to $60. On a $6 theme, a 30% commission amounts to just about $2. Although you have several problems, the rate is still not too bad. For starters, it's fantastic if someone wants to purchase six themes for their six websites. Only the first item they purchase earns you a commission. You only receive the commission for the $6 theme if they first purchase a $6 theme and then a $60 theme.

This suggests you require a high amount of business but cannot obtain it from loyal clients. Because of Envato's restrictions on who qualifies and who doesn't, many users who click on your link won't result in any compensation for you. Even if they do, you won't get much money from them.

Even if you choose goods that you believe should be worth more, the numbers still don't get much better. 3D designs? No, they cost less than $10. Whole Flash games that can be skinned? $15 or less. It's true that none of this is of the highest quality, but supply and demand dictate everything. The suppliers of the goods must compete with one another on one of the largest central markets in existence, which lowers the pricing.

There are, frankly, much better ways to make money than through Envato.

Envato Affiliate Program Review 2023

Tips for Making Money Through Envato

Envato depends on the volume of one of its affiliate programs. I don't advise using the Market side, in part because so many of your potential commissions are lost since someone visited the site two months ago via an unmarked link. Because it implies you are doing a lot of promotion work while Envato takes credit, I nearly consider that to be a scam. Even said, it doesn't hurt to turn each link you post into an affiliate link if you happen to be selling something through Envato in order to earn a little additional money.
Envato Affiliate Program Review 2023

Envato has some tips for affiliate success. Let’s see what they are.

*    Write blog posts about your interests and explain how using an Envato product may accomplish your goals. However, this isn't truly a "hint" from Envato. I wonder who they're trying to reach with it. Who among us is curious about affiliate marketing enough to look into their suggestions for increasing income, but is so clueless about what to do that the concept of writing blog reviews is foreign to them? It must be a little niche.

*    Promote certain products on Twitter. They give you a simplistic, unconvincing example, but whatever works for them, I suppose. This hardly counts as a recommendation considering that fundamental social media promotion is nothing new.

*     Promote your affiliate link via banner advertisements. Envato, really? This is equivalent to telling individuals they must sign up for your affiliate program before they can make money with it. a tip.

*    Publish text advertising. View above

*    Promote products in forum signatures. I'm among those who continue to advocate for using forums for marketing, despite the fact that it's a fading strategy and rife with spam. Even I wouldn't classify it as excellent insider affiliate marketing advice. If you're a Black Hat World member and you sell your own creations on Envato, you might be able to make some money this way, but, let's be honest, it won't do anything to advance your career.

Actually, I have two fantastic suggestions for you if you want to make money using affiliate networks. Read this article first. Maybe look into similar situations online. Next, avoid using Envato Market. Use Studio if you're convinced about Envato. Use other affiliate programs instead that have better terms, better rates, and greater volumes while you're at it.

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